Comparison of Dynamic Balance in Female Basketball and Football Players

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Rami Paryushi

Volume :


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Abstract :

Background: Dynamic balance is important for motor skill development in sports and prevents risk of injury during sports. Both basketball and Football Players are always exposed to the situations where the balance is dynamically challenged while performing sports specific skills. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare Dynamic Balance in female Basketball and Football Players. Methods: Seventy healthy female players, Basketball (n=35) and Football (n=35) from different sports academy and schools of Ahmedabad, Gujarat were recruited randomly. The dynamic balance was measured by Y Balance Test. Results: To determine the significant difference between basketball and football players, independent t-test was used and find out significant (p Conclusion: There was significant difference in dynamic balance between Basketball and Football players. The Football players demonstrated higher dynamic balance than basketball players.

Keyword :

Dynamic Balance, Y Balance Test, Star Excursion Balance Test, Basketball, Football.
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