Comparative evaluation of the clinical effects of high Air-Through soft diaper and standard diaper in Indian babies with diaper rash

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Original Article

Author :

Salvi Anjali N, Rajiv Joshi, Amit Bhawe, Rinko Takagi, Haruko Toyoshima, Yuko Fukuda

Volume :


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Abstract :

Background: The incidence of diaper dermatitis (rash) in India is reported to be in the range of four to thirty-five per cent in children up to 2 years of age. Materials and Methods & Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of using High Air-Through Soft Diaper and babies’ favourite diaper (Standard diaper) on Indian babies’ skin. Design: This was a single-blinded, randomized, controlled, cross-over study. Eligible babies were randomized in two treatment groups. Babies in Group A used High Air-Through Soft Diaper for the first two weeks and then used standard diaper for the next 2 weeks. Babies in Group B used a standard diaper for the first two weeks and then used a High Air-Through Soft Diaper for the next 2 weeks. Study population: The study was completed with 105 babies. Theevaluation of the skin using the scoring system and photographs for representative purposes. Results: At baseline, the mean total diaper rash scores were comparable in both Group A and Group B viz. 3.04 ± 1.00 and 3.30 ± 1.04 respectively and the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.195). After 2 weeks, the mean total diaper rash score increased significantly from the baseline in both Group A and Group B (5.05 ± 1.97; p = 0.001 and 6.16 ± 2.22, p = 0.001 respectively); the rise in the mean total diaper rash score was significantly more in Group B than that in Group A (p = 0.045). After 4 weeks, a significant increase in the mean total diaper rash score (1.31 ± 2.69; p =0.001) was observed from what it was at 2 weeks in the Group A and there was an insignificant decrease in the mean total diaper rash score (-0.52 ± 2.54; p =0.153) in Group B from what it was at 2 weeks; the change in the mean total diaper rash score was significantly more in Group A than that in Group B (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Both High Air-Through Soft Diaper and standard diaper in babies caused a significant increase in mean total diaper rash score. However, the extent and the degree of rash induced with the use of High Air-Through Soft Diaper was significantly less than that during the usage of the standard diaper. Thus, High Air-Through Soft Diaper due to technologies used in it appears to be superior to the standard diaper in reducing the mean total diaper rash score.  

Keyword :

High Air­Through Soft Diaper, standard diaper, diaper rash, Indian babies
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