Comparative cytomorphological studies on monocytes of domestic fowl, duck and quail

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Saumya Shalini1, Suresh Mehta and Rupam Sinha1

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The present study was conducted on blood cells of thirty healthy domestic fowl, duck and quail, ten birds of each group. Monocytes were rounded in fowl and quail whereas rounded to elliptical in duck. Their mean diameter were 9.78 ± 0.11mm in fowl, 8.78 ±0.14mm in duck and 10.02 ± 0.15 mm in quail. In fowl, the nucleus was highly variable and ranged from spherical to oval in shape. The darkly stained chromatins were homogeneously distributed. The cytoplasm was foamy in appearance due to presence of large number of vacuoles. In duck, the nuclei were mostly horse shoe shaped and centrally placed. The light and darkly stained chromatin materials were in the form of intermingled patches. The cytoplasm was lightly stained In quail, the nuclei were curved, mostly horseshoe shaped and eccentrically placed.

Keyword :

Blood cells, Monocytes, Domestic fowl, Duct, quail
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