Commodity Based LBS in Google Maps In Android

Article type :

Original article

Author :

S. Balasubramanyam ,K. Navin

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The objective of the activities is to add to a web application as online ware based framework which can be gotten to through web. Access the information from the server to the customer for step by step upgrading. The information about the business or shop incorporating is gotten with the Google map, when the client touches the position which is demonstrated. The client touches the switch catch, that building points of interest and current item offers shows from the database in server. The Android application will give a simple item seek office, listing, viewing rundown, cautions of new items, rebates alarms, money alternative et cetera. The proposed result of the venture is to give a charming and everlasting knowledge to give intuitive peculiarities such Instant informing administration, dashboard, email help, input etc. The fast pace of progress in both innovation and plans of action is filling a dynamic and becoming open deliberation in the Business and around the business world about the suitable utilization of that information.

Keyword :

Android Mobile Operating System, Location Based Services (LBS), GPS, GIS
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