Colour coding to facilitate learning in a Jigsaw Classroom

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Author :

Niket Verma, Shaifaly M Rustagi, Archna Rautela, Poonam Agrawal, Kuldeep Kumar Ashta

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Abstract :

The Medical Council of India has mandated that two-thirds of the teaching schedules must comprise of interactive teaching sessions. Introduced by Elliot Aronson in 1971 in Texas, USA, ‘Jigsaw’ is an interactive and a cooperative, peer-assisted learning technique. The authors conducted Jigsaw classrooms in 3 different settings and utilized an innovative colour coding technique using coloured stickers. The colour coding helped in the seamless and noiseless movement of the participants from the home group to expert groups thereby ensuring a smooth transition from one step of the Jigsaw to the next. The various steps were able to start without any delay due either to any confusion about which group to join or the time wasted in asking the facilitators or other delegates for directions. The colour coding was especially helpful in the conduct of the final step when students must discuss the given sub-topics in the correct sequence. Despite extensive searching, the authors were unable to find any other instance of utilizing colour coding in a Jigsaw classroom. Based on the positive feedback and the advantages of colour coding, the authors feel that it can be replicated in Jigsaw classrooms across the world for better coordination among the students, saving time in transitioning from one step to the next and ensuring that the discussion sticks to the intended sequence.

Keyword :

 Education Medical Undergraduate, Curriculum, Faculty, Students.
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