Clinico-Epidemiological Profile And Patterns Of Antibiotic Sensitivity Of Enteric Fever Cases Among Paediatric Patients In The Adjacent areas of Midnapore

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Tarapada Ghosh*, Souvik Biswas**, Ranjita Santra (Dhali)***, Partha Sarathi Satpathi#

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The disease burden of enteric fever has increased due to overwhelming resistance of Salmonella. The objectives of this study were to assess different clinico-epidemiological factors and biochemical profiles of blood-culture positive cases as well as to detect the antibiogram for its treatment.

Keyword :

enteric fever, anti-salmonella agents, antibiogram, Kirby-Bauer Disc Diffusion technique, Widal test
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