Cephalhaematoma in a Newborn with Factor VIII Deficiency

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Kodur Vinayak, Mahfooz Ahmed, Ankita A, Mondkar Jayashree

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Hemophilia A is a X-linked recessive hereditary clotting factor deficiency condition that lead to decreased factor VIII activity, occurs mainly in males. Decreased level of factor VIII activity leads to increased risk of bleeding. During newborn period, diagnosis is made after post-partum bleeding complication or unexpected bleeding after medical procedures. Severe cephalhaematoma at birth is a rare, nd can lead to high mortality in neonates. We present a neonate with unremarkable third degree consanguous marriage and uneventful pregnancy with a vaginal delivery with no instrumentation, presenting with severe cephalhaematoma bleeding at 4 hours of life. Aggressive support measures were implemented and bleeding managed. The unexpected bleeding lead to a coagulation study and the diagnosis of severe hemophilia A. There were no known sequelae. This case shows a rare hemophilia presentation reflecting the importance of coagulation studies when faced with unexplained severe bleeding.

Keyword :

Hemophilia A; severe cephalhaematoma, factor VIII.
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