Case report and review of literature: Subdeltoid bursa tuberculosis with rice bodies formation

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Abstract :

Introduction: We describe a rare case of a patient with unilateral musculoskeletal manifestation of tuberculosis presented as bursitis of the left shoulder with rice bodies, without coexisting active tuberculosis or tuberculosis in the previous history. Case report: A 23 year old patient was examined, who complained of pain and swelling in the left shoulder for 2 years. MRI showed a large amount of rice bodies with joint effusion in the left shoulder with intact rotator cuff. The histological examination showed a tuberculosis-specific inflammatory response with giant cells and epithelioid granulomas. Arthroscopic debridement and removal of the loose bodies was done. Conclusion: We report a unique case of tuberculosis sub deltoid bursitis with rice bodies formation in absence of any other concomitant focus of tuberculosis infection, managed with arthroscopic debridement and anti –tuberculosis treatment (ATT) regimen for twelve months, with a long follow up of nine months.
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