Cadmium induced histopathological alterations in female gonad of freshwater bivalve mollusks, Lamellidens marginalis during summer season

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Shaikh Yasmeen

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The study was aimed to investigate the effect of cadmium on the gonad in female fresh water bivalve mollusks, Lamellidens marginalis. The experiment was carried out on the bivalves collected from Kutluq Lake, Daultabad, district Aurangabad of Maharashtra, India from January 2018 to December 2018. The histolopathological findings include partial disruption of ovarian follicle, vacuolation of germinal cells cytoplas m and damaged inter follicular connective tissue. The cytomorphological structure of ovarian follicles got deformed and elongated, losing their typical configuration. Necrosis and fibrosis in the connective tissue and damage to yolk vesicles of maturing sites were observed.

Keyword :

Cadmium, Female gonad, Histopathology, Lamellidens marginalis.
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