Bovine Disease-Related DNA Mutations and Their Genetic Control Strategies in Breeding for Disease Resistance

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Edward Nehemiah,Armand Kennan

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Bovine genomic DNA mutations and their genetic effects on gene expression and protein function influence disease susceptibility and resistance of cattle. The genetic loci related to cattle diseases are mainly divided into two types: single-locus-disease genes and multigenic-disease loci. The single-locus-disease genes are called causal mutations; their genetic basis is simply and normally detected in the coding and non-coding regions inducing substitution of amino acid, premature termination of translation, and complete deletion of entire exon(s). In contrast, the genetic basis of disease related to multiple genes is more complex since susceptibility or resistance of these diseases is affected by the interactions among host, pathogen, and environment. This article reviewed current research and application of the major diseases of cattle con- trolled by single gene or polygenic genes. The genetic control strategies of effective identification and control of these dis- eases in bovine breeding and production were also analyzed.

Keyword :

Cattle; casual mutation; genetic disease; complex disease; genetic control; methods
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