Beneficial or an unknown risk: Immunization hesitancy in Indian population

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Article type :

Short Communication

Author :

Mahak Gera, Digjeet Kaur

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The most victorious intervention in field of Public Health is immunization. It prevents 2-3 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, measles and currently to overcome the novel corona virus infection an effective vaccine is the most anticipated resolution. Despite the advancements and innovations in clinical research and healthcare, vaccine hesitancy is a threat globally. Social media has provided unmatched capacity for people to communicate but has also been a major tool for rapid spread of misconceptions and disingenuous information damaging to public health. This article aims to give an overview of vaccine hesitancy of various infectious diseases, people’s perception towards it, how social media has facilitated this movement and how to eliminate the misconception.

Keyword :

 Covid19,Immunization hesitancy,Social media,Infectious diseases
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