Barriers in Utilization of Doorstep Mammography Screening by Women of Chandigarh

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Sonia Puri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Mobile mammography is an effort to provide doorstep screening and address barriers to avail screening by women. Though many mobile mammography outreaches are there but there is paucity of data regarding population served and the barriers to avail utilization. Aims and Objectives: 1. To ascertain the sociodemographic profile of women getting mammography done; 2. To assess the barriers faced by women in utilization of mammography screening. Methodology: Cross-sectional study. Study Time: 24 months. Results: During the 24 months of study period, a total of 38 camps were organized and 272 women underwent mammography scan. The mean age of the participants under study was 41 years. Most of the women had middle level of income status (INR 10,001-50,000 per month) and education levels up to secondary level. The major barriers of participants not undergoing for mammography scans were: difficulty taking time away from work or family 91 (61.4%), 86 (58.1 %) had fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer and they avoided being checked, feeling of embarrassment during mammography test 63 (42.5%), 16 (10.8%) were apprehensive about harmful effect of radioactivity exposure, etc. Conclusion: In a developing country like India, there is a need for raising awareness in relation to breast cancer and bust the myths pertaining to mammography screening in population.

Keyword :

Mammography, Chandigarh, Women, Barriers.

Doi :

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