Bacterial, Fungal, and Protozoal Microflora of Hay

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Ibadete Ismajli ,Osman Fetoshi ,Albona Shala Abazi ,Pajtim Bytyçi ,Alban Hyseni ,Qendrim Ramshaj

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Herbivores feed on plant structural carbohydrates such as lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, which they are not able to utilize themselves because of their inability to produce respective hydrolytic enzymes. Therefore, symbiotic microorganisms are established in their alimentary tracts that can hydrolyze these compounds to generate energy for themselves, as well as for the host animal. This study aimed to the qualitative determination of bacterial, fungal and protozoal microflora in hay (dry grass) harvested from the lowland meadow in Bradash village, municipality of Podujeva. Based on the results, the number of microflora represented differs in the first, second, and third test. The number of microflora, bacteria, yeasts, and molds has been low in the first test, respectively high in the third test.

Keyword :

Bacteria, Fungi, Hay, Microbial interactions, Microflora.
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