BLAPD: Biometric Liveness Authentication on Personalized Devices

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Kavya R

Volume :


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Abstract :

The static password is as yet a foundation for confirmation of numerous sites, application and so on, it is the most prominent and the least secure validation technique. At the point when the aggressor gets the secret word of the client, he can utilize it inside its lifetime. At that point, the assailant can mimic the client for a boundless time. So this structure makes all-out security. On the off chance that one sign into a session, the username can be set as a live iris image. This can't break security and will be secure, likewise less tedious. In the event that there happen a circumstance that some other client expected to sign in, at that point can set the settings, to give username is the dynamic username. This gives access to control consent. On account of the password, an one-time password is sent to the gadget and will naturally bring from gadget to sign in. This case gives legitimacy time and access control authorization. The plan is to make a one of a kind username and secret key set for every session with the end goal that different security vulnerability in traditional, live iris image username and OTP password frameworks can be handled.

Keyword :

Static Password; Username; One-Time Password; Iris image
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