Automatic Music Player based on Human Emotions using Face Recognition

Article type :

Original article

Author :

K.Vimal ,S. Sridhar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Nowadays, almost everything is computerized, which defines the term “digital world”. Without computers we can’t even survive these days. In order to interact with computer, blue eyes technology is introduced. It is a system programmed with perceptual and sensory abilities, i.e., “giving human abilities to systems”. This helps the computer to sense one’s mood and current position (in terms of feelings and needs) with the help of their facial expression and touching mouse. The technology uses image processing, face recognition, age tracking and speech recognition techniques. This paper explains a new technique known as emotion sensory technique which helps the system to identify the user’s mood (say happy, sad, angry, surprise and etc.) with cloud storage and authentication. This technology helps in developing a more user friendly and effective communication between human beings and computer.

Keyword :

Blue Eyes; Images; Emotion; Facial Recognition.
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