Assisted Reproductive Technologies Abuse Women in the form of Surrogacy

Article type :

Original article

Author :

A. Ramija Bee

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

— In the world, each and every woman has a wonderful capacity for procreation and every woman cherishes the experience of motherhood. Meanwhile, the social and cultural factors coerce women to procreate, suppose the women cannot procreate due to some biological and physiological condition, the duos are unfit to live their life and there is no meaning to live in the world. There are many reasons for infertility like lifestyle factors, habits etc. Owing to modern life style infertility is a common problem to everyone. The defect can be either with men or women or both. In this particular situation they seek medical attention. Here, the physicians have introduced technology like Assisted Reproductive Technology to the duos. Compare to other Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) the duos are mainly focused on surrogacy because in surrogacy they can easily get their own genetic child. The word surrogate is derived from Latin word meaning ?surrogatus‘ (substitution) – meaning to act in the place of. Surrogacy is divided into two categories that are altruistic and gestational. In this paper the author is mainly focused on the Gestational Surrogacy and impact of ART and to suggest policy regularize the ART bill. Because of the medical/ fertility tourism more number of foreigners coming to India to get their genetic child. If the Indian government failed to regularize the commercial surrogacy, vulnerability of women seems like a kind of slave. We should realize, seven decades before the foreigners treated Indian people as slave but now due to the reproductive technology again the Indian women were using as slave for procreation.

Keyword :

Gestational surrogacy, procreation, exploitation, medical technology.
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