Assess the efficacy of reminiscence therapy on wellbeing among the elderly person

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Abstract :

A quantitative approach and pre experimental research design was undertaken on 50 elders selected by purposive sampling technique. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on efficacy of Reminiscence therapy on wellbeing among elderly person of Missionaries Charity of Mother Teresa Old Age home Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar. Data was collected through structured questionnaires schedule and collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Finding revealed that highest percentage of elderly were in the age 66-70 years (46%). 20% were male, 44% were illiterate, 54% belong to nuclear family, 38% having moderate income and all belongs to old age home.
Journals Insights Open Access Journal Filmy Knowledge Hanuman Devotee Avtarit Wiki In Hindi Multiple Choice GK