Antimicrobial effect of emblica officinalis and cayratiapedata against helicobacter pylori

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Abstract :

Helicobacter pylori have been attracting worldwide attention as a major factor or cofactor responsible for gastritis and peptic ulcer. To eradicate this micro-organism, numerous regimes containing various antimicrobial agents have been suggested. However, H.pylori antimicrobial resistance is a leading factor to treatment failure and recurrence of the disease. Traditional medicine based on herbal remedies has always played key role in the health system of many countries. Clinical research has confirmed the efficacy of several medicinal plants for the treatment of gastro-duodenal disease, and basic scientific research has uncovered mechanisms to explain their therapeutic effects, hence we have compared two plant extracts such as Emblica officinalis and Cayratiapedata for the antimicrobial activity of H.pylori. Thirty patients attending the OPD of Rajah Muthiah medical college and hospital, for Acid peptic disease (ulcer and non ulcer type) were subjected to endoscopy at RMMCH, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Antral biopsies were collected from the patients with gastritis, duodentis, duodenal ulcer, non- ulcer dyspepsia and gastric carcinoma. All the biopsy specimens were processed for H.pylori by Gram´s stain, urease test and culture. All the positive culture was processed for the Antimicrobial resistance by Disk Diffusion Method. The minimum inhibition zone diameter of Emblica officinalis and Cayaratiapedata were detected. Emblica officinalis and Cayratiapedata exhibited potential of in-vitro antimicrobial activity against H.pylori, which suggests that it may be useful for the treatment of H.pylori infection.
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