Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Health Centres in Koch Bihar District,West Bengal

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Somnath Chatterjee

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Inequality in the distribution of healthcare services has become a prime concern especially in the developing countries of the Third World. Equality in the distribution of healthcare services and equal access to such services are the pillars of the health systems of a nation. Therefore, understanding the geographical distribution of healthcare resources, equal access to such resources and improvement of them may lead to better planning to make health services accessible to all. This research paper tries to analyze correlation and inequality in the distribution of the health facility centers (Health Sub-Centres & Primary Health Centres) and the population of Koch Bihar district by applying various statistical techniques. The concentration of both primary health center (PHC) and health sub-center (HSC) is very high in Haldibari block compared to the other blocks of Koch Bihar district. Pearson's correlation coefficient shows that there is a positive correlation between population and health facility centers. Howevera a huge inequality was observed in the entire region between population and health centers with the help of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient. Chi-Square value revealed that there is a huge difference in observed and expected health centers in the entire district. The study suggests that more PHCs and HSCs are to be set up to reduce the disparity and to better health services in the district.

Keyword :

Health Centers PHC HSC Spatial Distribution Disparity
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