Analysis of Pesticides Residues in Breast Milk of primiparous and multiparous women in Gilgit

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Syyeda Urooj

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Milk contains all the essential nutrients like fats, proteins, and minerals. The utilization of contaminated food can induce a proportion of pesticides in the body. The main purpose of the study was to determine the pesticide residues and current status of breast milk in primiparous and multiparous mothers. In a current study, a total of 50 samples were collected from different areas of District Gilgit and Astore. The pesticides cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and chlorpyrifos were analyzed using gas chromatography. The presence of cypermethrin in 10 samples was in a range 0.00 – 0.012 mg/kg, while the detection of Deltamethrin in 07 with variation from 0.000.12mg/kg. Whereas chlorpyrifos was found in 05 samples with the ranges of 0.00-0.0062 mg/kg. Residue level was quite higher in urban areas than rural areas. The multiparous women had prominent residues level than primiparas and the concentration of Deltamethrin was higher than other pesticides. All the pesticides residues levels in the breast milk of primiparous and multiparous mothers were within the permissible limits of WHO. Yet the women of these areas are not vulnerable but prolong exposure may pose a serious threat to neonatal and maternal health and other relevant reproductive issues. To manage the risk of milk contamination in the future, the demand for public awareness campaigns and the adoption of alternative clean approaches to control pests and other disease-spreading vectors in the best interests of public health seems reasonable.

Keyword :

Gas Chromatography, Milk,Multiparous , Pesticides, Primiparous.
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