Analysis of Meander Cut-off Mechanism for the formation of Abandoned Channels of Sankosh River, India

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Darshan Chandra Barman

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The Sankosh river in its lower course is found to have a tendency to meander over floodplains in order to balance the transport of its water and sediment load. As a result, both the neck and chute cut-offs develop and are considered to be the main mechanism of abandoned channel formation. The neck cut off occurs due to the continuous deposition of sediments on the convex bank and sediments curved out of the concave bend. As a result, the sinuosity of the meander increases, thereby forming a narrow neck. The convoluted meander bend at the neck remains in the threshold level of instability unless naturally, the neck disappears due to the crossing of the limit of threshold. Eventually, a straight channel is formed, creating a cut-off. When the cut off is sealed from the main channel by sediment deposition, an ox-bow lake is normally formed and left as an abandoned channel. On the other hand, chute cut-off occurs when successive high flows develop a chute across the inner part of a point bar which starts to flow as straight channel decreasing the sinuosity of the main river course on that part. Thus, the former sinuous course becomes detached as an abandoned channel. Thus, channel sinuosity is reduced with increase in velocity and gradient in flow and discharge through chute and neck leaving cut-offs that lead to the development of abandoned channels.

Keyword :

Abandoned Channels Chute Cut off Neck Cut off Plug Bar
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