An overview on facts and myths on aging and prevention of anti-aging

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The ‘anti-ageing’ movement claims many unprecedented features to combat the symptoms of ageing, to slow down the ageing process, to enhance health and vitality, to increase life expectancy and ultimately to improve the quality of life of older persons and thus of society as a whole. Two tendencies are included in the anti-ageing movement: (i) the practice of preventive ageing medicine using a large area of interventions, and (ii) the promotion of promising solutions, offered by life science biotechnologies and scientific progress to consumers of all ages, often despite systematic evidence. Striving to extend human life to its highest limit is reflected in what is called ‘longevity’ medicine” or ‘prolongevity’ and which has been also called ‘antiageing medicine’. Advances in all aspects of medicine, especially in the fundamental metabolic and functional process of ageing have led to new findings susceptible of transforming the traditional concept of physiological decline with age. Today researches based on prevention and treatment of ageing symptoms has reached a point where a new paradigm of human development is about to be offered a reversal of some ageing symptoms, control of different age-related illnesses, regeneration processes, human enhancement and replacement of different body parts are possible.
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