Aiding Application of Speech-Hearing Impaired for Effective Social Contact

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

M.Archana ,S.Haripriya ,E.Shiny Freeda ,Dr.S.Hemalatha

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In this world many people suffer from hearing loss (deaf) and speech loss (dumb) that might have occurred since birth or during their lifetime later. It is tedious for the deaf & dumb people to talk with the ordinary people. Peoples with sensory disabilities use their hands, fingers to communicate and have access to the world. Sign language is an expressive way for communication between normal and deaf-dumb people and it is the symbolic representation of words by using hands and fingers in different positions. So ordinary people like us learn the sign language for the purpose of communication. The sign language of deaf and dumb is quite difficult to learn and it is not possible for everybody to learn that language. So every person cannot come and share their thoughts with these physically impaired people. Sign language has the major limitation as it is hard to understand by a normal people, only persons those who know the sign language can able to communicate. So it creates barrier in communication between the impaired and normal people. Hence there must a midway that would perform gesture detection, convert the gestures into speech format (gesture to voice translating module) and converts the speech of normal person to gesture (speech to image translating module) and it is displayed on display. So, the whole idea is to build an android application that enables two way communications between deaf-mute (speech-hearing impaired) person and a normal person. This application uses certain image processing techniques.

Keyword :

Image processing, Gesture detection, Sign language.
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