Adolescent Obesity- A High Time for Concern

Article type :

Case report

Author :

Akanksha Tomar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A 14 year old girl was brought to health center’s OPD by her mother, for consultation regarding excessive weight gain, over the last two years. No history of menstrual disturbances (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea), acne, hirsutism, breathlessness, easy fatigability, constipation/ diarrhea, excessive sleep, drowsiness, lethargy, temperature disturbances (hypothermia), dryness of skin, muscle weakness was present. As per mother, she started gaining excessive weight at about age of 12 years (51 kg) for which she consulted a pediatrician and medical causes were ruled out (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease and hypothyroidism). Doctors recommended lifestyle interventions to lose weight focusing on dietary interventions and physical activities, but she did not comply with that because she did not perceive herself as overweight. Her mother strongly felt that she needed lifestyle modification, so she consulted the health center. It was quite difficult to convince the girl on the first visit, as she did not perceive herself as overweight or obese and often felt annoyed by the undue concern by family members for her weight. She did not want to modify her lifestyle because she doesn’t want to be thinner.

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