Added effect of fascia taping technique on pain and foot function in patients with plantarfasciitis

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Abstract :

The purpose of this study is to investigate the added effect of fascia taping technique on pain and foot function in patients with plantarfasciitis using VAS and FFI scores respectively. Plantarfasciitis has become one of the common chronic overuse injury of the plantar fascia of foot, most commonly at its insertion affecting 10% of the population amongst the total non-traumatic foot injury.26 (men and women) subjects with plantarfasciitis were recruited for the study and equally divided into two groups. The patients in the control group were given traditional physiotherapy (plantarflexor stretching, plantarfascia stretching and icepack for 10-15mins) on first day and patients in the experimental group were given fascia taping technique in addition to the traditional physiotherapy. Tape was applied on the plantarfascia for continuously 3 days. Pre and post assessment was carried out on first day and third day of treatment. VAS and FFI are the outcome measures used the study to asses pain and foot function. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks Test was used to analyse the pre and post values of VAS and FFI in control and experimental group with results as extremely significant with p-values as 0.0005 and 0.0002 respectively for FFI scores. VAS scores shows very significant (0.002) results in control group and extremely significant (0.0005) in experimental group. Mann-Whitney U Test was used to analyze the difference of mean of control and experimental group i.e. extremely significant (0.0002) for FFI and significant (0.016) for VAS. Fascia taping technique is effective in treating pain and improving foot function in patients with plantarfasciitis.
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