Achlorhydria and cirrhosis of liver

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When a person suffers from repeated indigestion he goes to a doctor for help who examines him and gives a prescription. In medical practice it is a common occurrence to think of the ailment as peptic ulcer due to hyper-acidity and prescribe at first an alkaline drug. But a person with achlorohydria gets no relief and he is advised to continue it for days and months as a resistant case of a very active duodenal ulcer.An achlorohydria patient usually gets now and then due to helicobacter infection diarrhea with loss of protein digestion resulting in weight loss and discomfort. To order for a Fractional Test Meal is a hard task as such facilities do not exist in even Medical College Hospitals and all doctors are biased that such a condition mentioned in text books do not really exist. He visits some more doctors but the verdict remains the same. Ultimately after some years he is an established case of cirrhosis liver. Failure of protein digestion with severe loss of nutrition and body mass has reached its end. Even some have done gastro jejunostomy.
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