Academic failures among high school students: A comparative case study

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Abstract :

Background: The reasons for academic failures are very complex. They are multifaceted and interrelated, compounding and exacerbating the problem of school failure. The causes can be student related, school related or society related. Objective: The aim of the current study was to find out the factors behind the failures of the high school students in Kerala. Methods: exploratory case studies were conducted among high school students with academic failures in government, government aided and private schools to get insight into the factors related to their underachievement. In-depth interviews were conducted along with standardized IQ tests and NIMHANS battery for specific learning disability to get multidimensional data about the students. Results: Contrary to popular belief, the study did not find any significant relation between IQ of the students and their academic failures. Results also indicate that the type of school along with the socio economic status of the family, educational level and alcoholism of the parents are the key factors behind the academic failures of the high school students. Conclusion: Identifying the factors that interfere with academic success is the first step in the process of choosing interventions to address the issue of academic failures. This study has found the relevance of school climate and family atmosphere along with personal factors such as hyperactivity and substance use in academic failures. Majority of the students with academic failures are found to have normal or above average IQ. Therefore, Individual counseling sessions for students with academic underachievement could be of help to overcome the barriers for academic success.
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