Article PDF :

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

A. Sivasangari ,R. M. Gomathi ,Ananthi ,Ajitha.P ,Indira. K

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The measure of blood cells of red blood and white blood plays a important role for the diagnostic to analyze and look at various illness such as anemia, leukemia etc. Accurate counting of blood cells plays a very important role in diagnosing diseases. Exiting methods took more time for processing and produced in accurate result. Hardware device such as Hematology counter is very expensive and every hospital can’t afford it. In order to overcome these problems, we are creating an android application with OpenCV libraries in Android Studio for a mobile device, the device can be connected to a microscopic camera via USB to take an image of the blood sample, this blood sample is later analyzed by implementing image processing approach of the blood using circular Hough transform and thresholding techniques. These separates the RBC and WBC by marking them, so that the algorithm can easily, detect and the counting of blood cells will be done on two microscopic blood images of each patient which will result in nearly accurate results than the present available methods. Accuracy and time consumption can be improved by using the proposed method of well-structured circle detection algorithm.

Keyword :

WBC, RBC, Hough Transform
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