A study to assess the perceptions of educational environment among students and faculty in a medical college

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Nilesh Kate, Chandrika Teli, B S Chandrakala

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: Educational environment is physical, social and psychological context in which student learn. This definitely affects student’s academic success, achievements, motivation to learn. 1–6 There is a need to identify effect, strengths and weakness of current educational environment. Objectives: To compare perception of educational environment among students and teachers on Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire. To find out strengths and weakness of the educational environment. Materials and Methods: Cross sectional, Questionnaire based. students 2nd-9th semester. (N=500, Age–18-25yr) Teaching staffs from all departments(N=100) After institutional ethical committee clearance and written informed consent DREEM questionnaire given which encompasses five subscales. Statistical Analysis: For all domains. Parametric tests- mean SD. t-test used for comparison of student and teachers on each category. P value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Non-parametric test used Mann-Whitney test. Results: The educational environment scores were 135.38 15.41 (67.69%) for the teachers and 127.77 12.82 (62.81%) for the students (P for the subscales were perception of Learning, perception of teachers and perception of Atmosphere and non-significant were for Academic self-perception and for Social Self-perception. Conclusions: Teachers and students both perceive the educational environment positively but in subscales teachers perceived it more positive and acceptable. The strengths were knowledgeable teachers, having good friends, confident about passing and Weakness identified by students were memorize which may be due to traditional teacher centred curriculum.

Keyword :

 Dreem questionnaire, Educational environment, Perception.
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