A study to assess the information of communication on Knowledge regarding hazards of mobile Phone uses and prevention among Adolescents

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Abstract :

Aim To evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge and attitude on hazards of mobile phone uses and prevention among nursing adolescents Participants and setting The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of education knowledge and attitude on hazards of mobile phone uses and prevention among adolescents. Descriptive design was adopted and the study was conducted in suryapet.50 adolescents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Intervention Data was collected regarding demographic variable, knowledge and attitude of the adolescents on hazards of mobile phone uses and prevention. The investigator assessed the level of knowledge and attitude of the adolescents by using structured questionnaire and modified three point Likert Scale and by using checklist through one to one teaching by lecture, demonstration, video clippings and verbalization. Structured teaching programme was conducted on the same day on group wise each group consists of 10 members. Data collection was done in Telugu and English the questionnaire was distributed to each adolescents. At the end of the teaching the doubts were cleared. Then 10 minutes was allotted for discussion. Measurement and findings The study revealed that 72% of adolescents had good knowledge and 22% had average knowledge. It was found that majority (80%) of adolescents had positive attitude and 14% had negative attitude towards hazards of mobile phones. The effectiveness of programme showed high level of significant at p
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