A study on current marketed formulation of Unani Medicine used in the treatment of Zayabetus

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Abstract :

The word Diabetes is derived from Greek word “DIABANMO” which means passing through. Zayabetus or ziabetus can be divided into two types according to presence or absence of sugar in urine viz. ZIABETUS SADA (Ziabetus Barid) and ZIABETUS SHAKRI (Ziabetus Har). Diabetes Mellitus (Zayabetus) is one of the most important lifestyle related disorders that is mostly widespread in urban areas. The Unani system of originated in Greece. Hippocrates is known as the father of Unani system of medicine. The theoretical framework of Unani system of medicine is based on his teachings.After a number of other greek Scholars enriched the system considerably. Of the Galen (131-120 AD) stands out as the one who established its foundation on which Arab physicians like Rhazes (850-925 AD) and Avicenna (980-1037 AD) constructed an imposing edifice. The number of people around the World suffering from diabetes has skyrocketed in the last two decades, from 30 to 230 millions. East Asian countries have the highest burden of diabetes. India comprises of 85% of the adult population of Southeast Asia and therefore the major contribution to diabetic population in South East Asia is from India. It has been estimated that India, considered as the diabetic capital of the World with more than 32 million diabetes patients would continue to lead even at 2030 th a whopping 80 million diabetics. So many brands and formulations are available in market like-Diab-Eaze,Dolabi Tablets,Herbo Diabecon,Gurmar Capsules, Neem Capsules,Fenugreek Capsules,Safoof- E- Ziabetes- Dulabi.
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