A study of novel molecules for parkinson

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Original Article

Author :

Venkateshwarla Rama Raju, Y Harishankar Reddy, Nagaraju Krishna Chythanya, Srinivas Konda, Kavitha Rani Balmuri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Parkinson‘s research has develop into the focal point of perseverance, hard work and doggedness intended for reducing the progression of cardinal motor symptoms and motoric feature-manifestations of Parkinson’s  disease. As on to date, even though there is no cure for PD but there are cutting edge technologies like deep brain stimulators (DBS) which significantly reduces the symptoms, restores and increases the motor functioning. Hence, there is a new hope for Parkinson‘s disease (PD) patients. Recent novel developments of molecules and molecular drivers for Parkinson‘s disease treatment, molecular mechanisms of neurodege nerative complexities, latest findings of BT13 molecules followed by neuroplasticity and neuroprotection have significant impact in this area. These new developments significantly reduced the progression of Parkinson disease and patients could walk confidently with the help of these PD treatments –medical management techniques and may lead to cure this malady in the near future. This study investigated these novel developments for Parkinson’s. Scientists have made advances in PD and possible causes of PD. Now, momentous endeavors in clinical and basic fundamental investigations are intended in the direction of growth of enhanced therapies, together with the classification of neuro protective strategies which might sluggish the disease sequence. As scientists go on to expose new about the function of genes and genomes, risk-factors, and brain-circuits involved in PD, they function steadily progressively in the direction of curing therapy. This study explored the recent discoveries in neuroscience especially for the Parkinson disease and movement disorders. Neuroscientists have discovered novel molecular drivers for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Molecular drivers of movement disorders particularly Parkinson‘s disease had discovered by researchers who furthermore established how they impact the functions of genes implicated in the state of condition that the findings might mark to a possible novel medical management. Hence, this novel provocative pathways ought to be measured as possible objectives which are goals for the newer medicine for evolving especially the advanced idiopathic Parkinson‘s disease patients. 

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