A review on physostigmine: As antidote and treatment of Alzhemier disease

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Abstract :

Physostigmine is Anticholinesterase (AChE) agent belongs to the class of serine hydrolases. The active site of AChE comprises teo distinct regions an anionic site that possesses a glutamate residue and an esteratic site in which a histidine imidozole ring and a serine –OH group are particularly important. Physostigmine is tertiary amine derivative. Physotigmine is used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis, atony in the GI tract, and glaucoma. More recently, they have received attention as symptomatic drug treatments in patients suffering from Alzheimer disease. Physostigmine is another name is Eserine and Isopto- Eserine. Physostigmine is available in various salt forms like Physostigmine salicylate and Physostigmine sulfate. Physostigmine action of main site postganlionic parasympathetic junction and duration of action is medium. It is rapidly absorbed on oral or parental administration, crosses the blood brain barrier and exerts central cholinergic action. This paper reviews the pharmacological and pharmaceutical properties of Physostigmine.
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