A prospective observational study to evaluate the impact of pre-operative investigations on resource utilisation and peri-operative management in elective surgeries

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Hemant Vanjare, Rashmi Duggal, Alka Chandra, Chetana Deshmukh, Neha Panwar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: During the past decades, practice of routine investigations prior to surgery has been challenged as it has little impact on perioperative management but increases cost, causes delay and increases laboratory load. We aimed to prospectively assess the influence of pre-operative investigations on resource utilisation and peri-operative management in elective surgeries. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was done in 500 Patients, who attended preanaesthetic check-up (PAC) for elective surgeries. Number of investigation already performed before arriving in PAC and their results in terms of normal and abnormal tests were noted. Based on National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline, the test was considered as indicated or unindicated. These patients were then followed up till the post-operative period and any referral, further investigation or delay done during pre-operative was noted. An abnormal test result was said to be impactful if it resulted in referral, delay or further investigations. Cost analysis was done for every test that was considered not necessary based on NICE guidelines. Results: Majority (60.6%) of the patients had at least one abnormal test results on routine pre-operative tests, but only 6.93% of all tests performed had any impact in terms of referral, further testing or delay. Only 5 (0.14%) of all 3462 abnormal test had significant impact which it lead to change in perioperative management. Conclusion: The practice of prescribing large number of routine pre-operative investigations is prevalent in the institution. Most of the investigations are done without following any guidelines, which leads to wastage of resources.

Keyword :

 Routine laboratory testing, Preoperative investigations, NICE guidelines, Peri Operative anesthesia management.
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