A novel approach for Liver disorder Classification using Data Mining Techniques

Article type :

Original article

Author :

A.S.Aneeshkumar# ,Dr. C.Jothi Venkateswaran

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

— Data mining is an integrated platform for all other soft computing techniques and which is used to identify the expected or probable values from a large storage by using computational algorithms. This paper describes the categorization of liver disorder through feature selection and fuzzy K-means classification. In any of the medical diagnosis activity, some features may directly or indirectly influence and some others may not influence. So the process of influenced attribute subset selection is an essential factor for more accurate prediction. Suitability of the dataset and the selection of algorithm are the two key factors for any predictive analysis.

Keyword :

Snake peel enabled Hybrid Ant colony optimization and Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy K-means classification
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