A case report on management of sero negative spondyloarthropathy

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Spondyloarthropathies are a family of long-term (chronic) diseases of joints. These diseases occur in children (juvenile spondyloarthropathies) and adults. They include ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and joint problems linked to inflammatory bowel disease (enteropathic arthritis). Spondyloarthropathies are sometimes called spondyloarthritis. Although all spondyloarthropathies have different symptoms and outcomes, they are similar in that all of them usually involve the attachments between your low back and the pelvis (sacroiliac joint) and affect areas around the joint where your ligaments and tendons attach to bone (enthesitis), such as at the knee, foot, or hip [4]. We report one such rare presentation of sero negative spondyloarthropathy in a 44 years old man with a history of polyarthritis involving ankles, knees, wrist, MTP joint since 6 months, Joint swelling with early morning stiffness since 3 months, pain at back and sacral region since 1 month and diagnosed with Psoriatic Spondyloarthritis (PSA) + Reactive arthritis and other co morbid conditions like psoriasis, T2DM, Hepatitis A, Kochs TB was treated by Dr. Appa Rao with the protocol involving immunonutritive therapy.
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