A big divide in prices of lactobacillus preparations in India

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Karri Ramesh Kumar, Roopa P Nayak, Pradeep Javedar

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Abstract :

Introduction: There exists a wide range of variation in the prices of drugs marketed in India and other parts of the world. In the Indian market, various probiotic drugs of different brands, different combinations and different dosage forms are available. Aim & Objectives: To evaluate the cost of Lactobacillus combinations of different brands of one dosage form and difference in cost of different brands of the same dosage form by calculating the percentage variation of cost. Materials and Methods: The retail cost of different Lactobacillus combinations being manufactured by different companies, in the same dosage form was compared. The difference in the maximum and minimum price of the same dosage form manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies was calculated and the percentage variation in price of same dosage form was calculated. Results: Among Lactobacillus combinations of different dosage forms, the percentage variation in price of powder form, tablet form, capsule form and liquid dosage form were 380.7%, 578.5%, 3446.6% and 338.3% respectively. Conclusion: The average percentage price variation of different brands of Lactobacillus combinations of the same dosage form manufactured in India was very wide. The appraisal and management of selling drugs should be directed towards maximizing the advantages of therapy and minimizing negative personal and economic outcomes.

Keyword :

 Lactobacillus combinations, Percentage variation in price.
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