A Study on Sigmoid Volvulus presentation and Management

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Abstract :

A study on sigmoid volvulus presentation and management was a 2 yr retrospective study done at RMMCH.The diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus was made from a history of large bowel obstruction (constipation, abdominal distension, and abdominal pain), which were often recurrent and plain abdominal radiographs.The morbidity associated is Superficial wound infection occurred in four patients. All the infected wounds eventually healed with conservative measures. Clinical anastomotic dehiscence was noted in 1 patient for which during relaparotomy proximal colostomy and mucous fistula was done. The mortality associated is shown is there were 9 deaths of which 7 were due to sepsis and 2 were due to comorbid illness. Two out of eight patients for whom a colopexy was done had a recurrent attack of sigmoid volvulus. The duration of hospital stay ranged between 10 and 21 days. Use of sigmoidoscopic detorsion for viable colon should be encouraged. Sigmoidopexy, which is associated with a recurrence rate of 20% in our series of patients, should be used selectively.Hartmann’s procedure is a safe option in sigmoid volvulus with gangrenous bowel.Primary anastomosis in emergency situation can be carried out with morbidity and mortality in patients with viable colon.
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