A Study on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Opportunity and the Corruption (MGNREGA)

Article type :

Original article

Author :

G. Chandra

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The Government of India has introduced many employment generation programmes to eradicate poverty and unemployment, since in 1980. Many of the employment programmes failed due to the common problems of ineffective targeting, leakages and poor quality asset creation, etc. Hence, while developing rules and guidelines for implementation of the MGNREG Act 2005, more attention should be paid to the lessons we have learnt from past experiences. Because this act has the potential not only to strengthen social security in India, this programme will generate work for the poorest; it is also an opportunity to increase the stranded of living, but also there is corruption in the MGNREGA, no question about that. But simple indices that claim to measure corruption and make an assessment of interstate levels of corruption can end up offering us a wrong understanding

Keyword :

MGNREGA, corruption index, wage, allowance, opportunity, non Congress, overwhelming, Bhalla’s claims
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