A Study To Assess Effectiveness Knowledge Regarding Prevention Of Tuberculosis Among B. Students Of Selected Nursing in Jodhpur

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Likhmaram Choudhary

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Abstract :

At the global level the highest tuberculosis infected persons live in India. The rate of infection is so high. In our country communicable population. India is one of the largest and most important country, public health emphasizes more on communicable disease, malnutrition and reproductive health care. Tuberculosis is one of most common infectious disease known worldwide. it is the seventh leading cause of global disability. aerial route from an infected patient to a healthy subject and is facilitated when the receiver is immunologically sensitive. Even when the risk of transmission is low, taken to prevent emission of bacilli, their suspension in air and inhalation by sensitive subjects, especially immunodeficient subjects. Surveillance of hospital staff and preventive antituberculosis regimens are generally recommended, b The most important and effective means of preventing new infections is to eliminate the sources of transmission. Therefore, the first priority of TB control programs is to ensure that active disease is diagnosed as early as po patients are treated with an effective antibiotic regimen until they are cured (which is called case-holding). A TB control program should not embark on other activities such as screening until it has achieved the benchmark of 90% successful completion of therapy for all patients with active disease. Prevention of transmission requires prompt respiratory isolation of people with suspected pulmonary or laryngeal TB.

Keyword :

Assess, Effectiveness, Structured teaching
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