A Randomised Open Clinical Study on the Efficacy of

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Unnikrishnan PM

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction:With more than half of all alcohol drinkers in India falling into criteria for hazardous drinking, alcohol related disorders are emerging as a major public problem in country. In Ayurveda alcohol related disorders are correlated to Madatyaya. Here we observe the vitiation of Shareerika and Manasika Doshas and the treatment consists of Doshavasechana, Rasayana and Satvavajaya chikitsa. To fulfill all these treatment measures, an indigenous compound named ‘Sumukti’ which contains 11 drugs with multiple properties of Dosha shamana, Rasayana, Medhya and Yakrit Uttejaka was prepared and administered in the patients of Madatyaya WSR to alcohol dependence. Aims & Objectives:To study the efficacy of indigenous compound- ‘Sumukti’ on alcohol dependence. Methodology:52 patients were screened by using ‘Alcohol Dependence Scale’. 30 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of Madatyaya WSR to alcohol dependence from OPD and IPD of SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan were selected and compound ‘Sumukti’ was given in the dose of 15ml, thrice a day before half an hour of food for 30 days. Result:There was statistically significant effect seen in subjective parameters with more than 60% improvement. Moderate improvement (50-74%) was seen in majority of patients (53.33%). Marked improvement (75-99%) also seen in 43.33% of patients (13). Conclusion:Compound found effective in subjective symptoms and can be a choice of medicine in alcohol dependence.

Keyword :

Madatyaya, Alcohol Dependence, Sumukti
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