A Proposed Model for a Web-Based Academic Advising System

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Abstract :

Student advising is an important and time-consuming effort in academic life. Academic advising has been implemented in order to fill the gap between student and the academic routine, by moving advising, complaining, evaluating, suggesting system from the traditional ways to an automated way. The researcher surveyed the existing literature; as utilized that many institutions have implemented computerized solutions in order to enhance their overall advising experience. In this paper the researcher innovates an automated mechanism for academic advising in the university system. The paper presents an overview of the development and implementation of a new model of e-Academic Advising System as a web-based application. The proposed model attempts to develop a model that the staff and advisor can access to follow-up the student complaints and suggestions. Also, the students who registered can through complain, evaluate & suggest in any subject. Finally, the head of the department can receive a KPIs reports to follow-up his department. Therefore, a need for a system that could detect student’s problems and provide them with suitable feedback is raised. The aim of this paper is to implement a system which facilitates and assists academic advisors in their efforts to providing quality, accurate and consistent advising services to their students; also, to explore the design and implementation of a computerized tool to facilitate this process. This paper discussed the required methodologies used in the development of the Academic Advising System, it has been shown that Academic Advising is a Process more than a Final Product or system, a technical vision for Academic Advising System has been provided. The e Academic Advising web-based developed and implemented by "Ruby on Rails" as a Web framework which runs via the Ruby programming language and "PostgreSQL" as a Database Engine.

Keyword :

Academic Advising System, Complaint System, Evaluating System, Suggesting System
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