A Comparative Study on Various Deep Learning Techniques for Arabic NLP Syntactic Tasks

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Shaima A Abushaala,Mohammed M Elsheh

Volume :


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Abstract :

It is well known that there are three basic tasks in Natural language processing(NLP) (Tokenization, Part-OfSpeech tagging, Named Entity Recognition), which in turn can be divided into two levels, lexical and syntactic. The former level includes tokenization. The latter level includes part of speech (POS) and the named entity recognition (NER) tasks. Recently, deep learning has been shown to perform well in various natural language processing tasks such as POS, NER, sentiment analysis, language modelling, and other tasks. In addition, it performs well without the need for manually designed external resources or timeconsuming feature engineering. In this study, the focus is on using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory with Conditional Random Field (BLSTM-CRF), and Long Short-Term Memory with Conditional Random Field (LSTM-CRF) deep learning techniques for tasks in Syntactic level and comparing their performance. The models are trained and tested by using the KALIMAT corpus. The obtained results show that a BLSTMCRF model overcame the other models in the NER task. As for the POS task, the BLSTM-CRF model obtained the highest F1-score compared to the other models.

Keyword :

Natural Language Processing, Deep learning, Part-of-Speech tagging, Named-Entity Recognition.
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