A Comparative Study on Cloud Drops

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Miss. Madhuri P. Devrankar ,Miss. Komal U. Dhulekar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Cloud computing is a general term for everything that includes the provision of services hosted on the Internet. Cloud computing is commonly used to describe the data centers available to many users on the Internet. Drops are data distribution and replication in the cloud for optimal performance and security. Cloud Drop technology is about securing data through the cloud, as users have security concerns when they outsource their data to administrative control by third parties. Data loss can be caused by attacks by other users and nodes in the cloud. Cloud Drops is a ubiquitous awareness platform that more closely integrates virtual information from the Web into the context-rich physical spaces in which we live and work. Cloud Drops consists of many interactive stamp-sized advertisements, each showing small digital information. The large number of screens and their small size allow the user to flexibly instrument, orchestrate and reconfigure their personal information environment. We show different form factors for screens seized by stamp, deliver a concept of device and a first implementation. We suggest visualization and interaction techniques of light adapted to the tiny form factor of the device. We also provide techniques for linking these classifieds to the content the user wants to keep, including websites, contacts and locations. In order to demonstrate the performance of the platform, we present some application examples. A user study provides initial insights into how users can use cloud deletions to create a personalized information environment by delivering buffered ads across the architecture space.

Keyword :

Cloud drops, stamp size, strategy, pervasive display.
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