A Comparative Study of Bacterial and Fungal Flora in Glucose Fermentation

Article type :

Original article

Author :

Logesh.c , S.Murali krishnan , E.Anjana

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Microbes can be used as efficient live factories to produce beneficial products. They are cheap resources that consist of numerous enzymes which can convert complex chemical structure into simple digestible molecules with a high efficiency. The diversity of fermentation products produced by the microbes is attributed to the rich diversity of microbes which have a diverse metabolism that can yield various types of fermentation products. Bacterial flora is a major part of the gut flora that performs a wide variety of functions and plays a very important role in fermentation. Many fermented foods are fermented predominantly by bacteria. Some are fermented largely by fungi and a few are fermented by both (a double ferment). Various studies have shown the production of Korean wine or Makgeolli using both bacterial flora and fungal flora. The current study is a preliminary effort to compare the rate of fermentation of glucose using bacterial and fungal flora.

Keyword :

Microbes, Fermentation, Bacterial flora, Fungal flora, Glucose
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