9/11 Incident and its Impacts: The Worst Portrayal in Selected Post 9/11 Literature

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Dr. Ganesh Sarangdhar Kakade

Volume :


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Abstract :

This research discusses the present condition of the whole world portrayed in the novels ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’, ‘Falling Man’ and ‘Terrorist’ of prominent authors, respectively Mohsin Hamid, Delillo Don, and John Updike. These novels examine 9/11 incident and its effects all over the world as the question of ill-treatment given to Muslim in America, insecurity, rights, and freedom. It also focuses upon- how the situations occurred on one and all the non-America people. How they had to suffer from that condition? How did the thoughts change of the foreigners in America? And finally, what kind of change brought 9/11 all over the world? Etc. This research attempts to study the way in which the novelist has represented a condition of the whole world, probably, Muslim and Christian in the context of post 9/11 novel. This research also aims to study that the world becomes lawless; Morality and humanity are lost; the way of thinking is changed; self-praise and others slander is increased and the egoistic people is destroying the lives of human being. Here the post 9/11 authors are sure that there is also an option to resolve this problem amicably.

Keyword :

9/11 incident and its effects – discrimination; feelings; hate; notion of unity; accusation; anger; religious unity; revenge; reaction; hybridity; identity crisis; migration; humiliation; spoiling relations; attraction for motherland and prayers for pe
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