Economics of production of spider lily in south Gujarat

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

V. S. Kanugade, J. J. Makadia and R.T. Khatri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

This study was undertaken to determine economic analysis of production of spider lily in South Gujarat during the season 2015-16. The study was based on data collected randomly from 140 spider lily growers. Multistage sampling technique was employed for selection of sample. It analysed the cost and returns structure and economic feasibility. Simple tabular analysis, cost concepts, pay back-period, net present worth, benefit-cost ratio and internal rate of return have been used to draw the interface. The results revealed that, per acre cost of cultivation and per acre net return of spider lily were found to Rs. 112380 and 60698, respectively. Gross income, farm business income and family labour income was found to Rs.162861, Rs.111929 and Rs. 80284, respectively. The average return per rupee was worked out to Rs.1.45.. Economical feasibility test (@ 9 % discount rate) revealed that spider lily crop had higher net present value (Rs. 181938), benefit-cost ratio (1.42:1), internal rate of return (>145%) and pay back period (2.12 year) which justified the worthiness of the investment. Major Bottlenecks in production were high wages rate, non - availability of labour in time, difficulties in pest and disease control etc.

Keyword :

Spider lily, Cost, Return, Economic feasibility
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