Assessment of yield and economic of hybrid marigold through farmers participatory approach

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

D. K. Mishra, R.S. Tailor, A.K. Shukla and Alok Deshwal

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Marigold (Tagetes erecta Linn.) has earned tremendous popularity as floral crop in Madhya Pradesh particularly at Indore district, where it is being commercially cultivated as loose flower at around 2300 hac. 97 per cent (2231 hac) area covered under African type cultivar which was grown almost around the year in Indore district. Market price always remains high for those cultivars having uniform size, shape and early flowering nature. Consequently hybrid marigold varieties were tried as intervention for enhancing the yield and economic return at real farming situation. 16 on-form demonstrations were conducted during the period 2014 and 2015 at village Lodiya and Uteriya of Indore district in Madhya Pradesh. 20.80 per cent flower yield enhancement was recorded with hybrid variety over farmer’s practice (Local variety). Average additional income of Rs. 45,568.00 can be attributed by adopting hybrid marigold variety over local variety. Higher cost of cultivation under recommended practice was attributable to higher seed cost of hybrid cultivar. On mean basis cost benefit ratio was 2.16 for recommended practice, whereas 1.16 for farmer’s practice. Thus, favourable cost benefit ratio and higher net returns proved the economic viability of the intervention made under recommended practice.

Keyword :

Marigold, Hybrid, Yield, Economics
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