Field evaluation of fungicides against powdery mildew of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

C.R. Jahir basha*, M.C. Soniya and Prabhu C. Ganiger

Abstract :

The experiment was conducted on powdery mildew of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) caused by Leveillulla taurica to know the effective management strategy. The pooled data revealed that there was significant effect of the treatments in reducing the disease. However, plants sprayed with Difenconazole (0.5g/L) as a second spray 15 days after the Chlorothalonil (2/L) was found to be effective in the management of powdery mildew, where in the PDI of 11.85 as against to control plot and also supported the higher yield of 13.4 t/ha in contrast to 9 t/ ha in untreated control plots.

Keyword :

fungicides against, Powdery mildew of Chilli
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