Abstract :
Background and Objectives: The impact of early diagnosis and management of anemia on patient outcome has been tremendous. Although conventional microscopic examination of blood using peripheral smear is unequivocal, the advent of automated hematology analyzer has revolutionized the field of clinical hematology and its practice. This study highlights the efficiency and utility of specific parameters obtained by hematology analyzer and its comparison with peripheral smear in the diagnosis of anemia, also determines the sensitivity of the same.
Materials and Methods: 501 Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid blood samples collected at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Karnataka during one and half years from February 2021 to August 2022, were run on the Sysmex 6-part automated hematology analyzer and simultaneous peripheral smears were prepared and stained using Leishman stain based on standard operating procedures. The histogram and peripheral smear findings were noted.
Results: Among the 501 cases, there were 269(53.7%) cases of Normocytic Normochromic Anemia in which 82.9% showed normal curve, 145(28.9%) cases of Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia in which 92.4% showed shift to left, 31(6.2%) cases of Dimorphic Anemia in which 61.3% showed normal curve contrary to the expected double peak, 24(4.8%) cases of Macrocytic Anemia in which 83.3% showed shift to right, 23(4.6%) cases of Pancytopenia in which 39.1% showed normal curve and 9 cases of Normocytic Hypochromic Anemia.
Conclusion: The Automated hematology Analyzer provides highly valuable information with limited sample and is an essential tool in diagnosis, classification and management of anemia.
Keyword :
Anemia, Automated analyser, Histogram